Tips all around product reviews (part3)

Tags for important product features

If a product has more than 30 reviews, most potential buyers will be pleased to find reviews easier that are of interest to them. Therefore, tags on "quality", "performance", "design" etc. are well received, which on the one hand are filter options and on the other hand, offer a closer look at the product. This is a big advantage at first sight. The tags can also increase the amount of time a buyer spends reading, as he reads more than originally intended and still postpones his purchase decision. The shop owner should test if his customers use the tags and if they have a positive effect on the conversion.

Tips all around product reviews (part2)

Customers are interested in the division of stars

Present the average star rating of a product and written product reviews as well as how the stars were awarded. The average value alone provides good orientation at first glance. The meaningfulness increases again if one knows how many individual ratings were collected and how they were distributed. Especially in the distribution, you can see whether the reviews are largely homogeneous or whether there are very conflicting opinions. In the latter case, the potential buyer reads through more individual written ratings in order to decide for himself which of the described pros and cons are important for him. takes part at the Shopware Community Day

May 23rd is the eighth anniversary of the Shopware Community Day. With annually changing key topics, it remains exciting for shop operators, agencies, brands and also eCommerce enthusiasts and offers a wide range of digital trade content. is on the topic "360° product reviews - online, stationary, mobile, by voice with shopware".At stand 7, visitors can experience product reviews from the customer's point of view in various situations such as in the web shop, mobile or on price tags in the shop, etc. In conversation, they can also illuminate the dealer's site and understand the principle of

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Product reviews in 360° trade

On May 17th we will show you how you can use in channels like webshop, stationary, via app or voice. Visit us at booth 72 at eCommerce Day at RheinEnergie Stadion in Cologne and test our service live.