BGH bestätigt: Kundenbewertungen haben eine wichtige Funktion im Onlinehandel

Kundenbewertungen sind gesellschaftlich erwünscht, sind durch das Grundrecht der Meinungs- und Informationsfreiheit gedeckt  und genießen somit verfassungsrechtlichen Schutz.

In der Urteilsbegründung erklärte das BGH, dass das „Interesse von Verbraucherinnen und Verbrauchern, sich zu Produkten zu äußern und sich vor dem Kauf über Eigenschaften, Vorzüge und Nachteile eines Produkts aus verschiedenen Quellen, zu denen auch Bewertungen anderer Kunden gehören, zu informieren oder auszutauschen“ schützenswert sei.

Im Rechtsstreit ging es darum, dass  hatte ein Onlinehändler für Kommentare von Kunden haften sollte, in denen die schmerzlindernde Wirkung von Tapes des Händlers behauptet wurde. Medizinisch war diese Wirkung jedoch nicht zu beweisen. Der Bundesgerichtshof hat die Klage mit der Begründung abgewiesen, dass dem Händler die Kommentare nicht zuzurechnen waren und mit dem Verweis auf die Unabhängigkeit und die übergeordnete Bedeutung der Kundenmeinungen.

Unabhängigkeit der Kundenbewertung ist wichtig!

Kunden schätzen die Unabhängigkeit und Neutralität der Konsumentenurteile. Deshalb ist wichtig, dass Online-Händler keine Einflussmöglichkeit auf Bewertungen haben oder aktiv Einfluss nehmen. Würde ein Händler jemanden dafür bezahlen, Rezensionen zu schreiben, dann haftet er für verdeckte Werbung. Auch muss er den normalen Pflichten des Shopbetreibers nachkommen und z.B. falsche oder diffamierende Tatsachenbehauptungen nach den bestehenden Regeln zu entfernen

Kunden informieren sich besser mit

Cool Services presents the latest features of the product review service at the dmexco, hall 7 booth C024 in Cologne. If you are interested, you can test the service live.

By using, web-shops receive product reviews from a broad community of participating shops. This way, their customers can find out what other customers are saying about the products during the purchase decision process and get a good feeling about the products. They stay in the shop and don't have to inform themselves about the product anywhere else. is the only review service where all shops collect product ratings and reviews together in a community. The products receive many ratings across shops, far more than most shops can ever get on their own. All shops show all ratings for the product. The shops benefit from many rated products and look bigger overall. This leads to more immediate purchase decisions based on a lot of additional, customer-generated information. The bounce rate is reduced and the turnover is increased.

The service can be used in 360° trading. It can be used in online shops as well as in mobile apps or stationary retail.
Plugins for shopware, Oxid, WooCommerce, Magento and prestashop are currently available.

Termin vereinbaren

Advertising with ratings from sweepstakes is inadmissible (right)

In its decision of 16 May 2019 (Case 6 U 14/19), the Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main held that advertising with ratings generated by a company through the organisation of a sweepstake was inadmissible. Justification: A customer who makes a recommendation must be free and independent in his or her judgment of the recommendation. Even if there is no payment in the actual sense for ratings generated in the context of a sweepstake, the ratings given are nevertheless not to be regarded as objective because the reviewers were ultimately rewarded by the opportunity to participate in the sweepstakes. The average consumer, however, assumes that only satisfied customers give a positive and at the same time independent rating. In addition, the number of positive reviews allows a conclusion to be drawn as to how well known a company is in the market. Both expectations are disappointed however, if the evaluations straight such a connection are missing, straight because these were given only, in order to receive from the evaluated enterprise a suitable reward.

Thus, if positive ratings are generated by a sweepstake and are subsequently advertised with these ratings, this advertising constitutes an impermissible business activity which can be cautioned by competitors or the competition headquarters under competition law.

more in German by Sebastian Laoutoumai on t3n


Tips all around product reviews (part1)

Product reviews also belong on the category page

Product reviews are usually displayed on the product detail pages of online shops. Here you have high information content. For the customer, it is about a concrete product, about which he wants to inform himself as comprehensively as possible.

Category pages list some individual products that should be presented with their average rating of the product. This way, the potential customer can quickly get a first impression of how other customers rate the respective product.

On the category page or in product lists, product ratings and reviews have different tasks than on the product detail page. On the product detail page, they influence the purchase decision. On the category page, they primarily influence which products customers look at more closely in detail.

7 valuable tips for more product reviews in your shop.

1. Make it easy for your customers to rate your products. The more your customers write about your products, the better is your sales. This increases your visibility and the confidence of new customers in your products.

2. Ask your customers for reviews after a successful sale by e-mail. Place a link to your online shop. Many customers like to use this possibility. But attention! Your customers must have agreed to advertising mails in advance, otherwise this email is considered spam!

3. Ask also in social networks for reviews.

4. Respond to ratings and comments. Communicate with your customers online. You should react quickly to criticism in particular. Your comments can also be read by other customers so that they can provide further information about the product. Your customers will appreciate your commitment.

5. Include a postcard with your parcels with a request for review and brief instructions on how to rate.

6. Place a QR code on private labels that leads to the rating form.

7. Collect product reviews together with other web-shops worldwide with You have more product reviews for your assortment faster. We will be happy to help you with any questions you may have.

Are Are wrong ratings criminal offence?

Product reviews play a very important role for buyers when making decisions. That's why companies try to put their products in a positive light.

But what happens when manufacturers or dealers write positive reviews? 
As long as the customer cannot recognize that the rating has been manipulated by the company, so-called fake valuation, or the reviewer got a discount, this is unfair competition. Furthermore, the publication of the rating is considered misleading advertising.

The situation is similar to negative ratings by competitors. 
If a competitor lets write poor ratings of competing products, it is a competitive push. No false claims should be made that could potentially damage the competitor's business.

Basically, you can say:
1) Objective criticism is permitted
as long as it is expressed as an opinion and is not directed solely at disparaging, defaming and damaging the reputation of the product being evaluated.

2) Slander criticism is forbidden, 
since the limit of what is permissible is exceeded when it is no longer a matter of dispute, but of defamation and disparagement in the foreground.

3) wrong or untrue product reviews are always inadmissible
Lügen sind keine Meinungsäußerung und damit rechtswidrig. Sie können immer entfernt werden. Im Gegensatz dazu liegt eine Tatsachenbehauptung vor, wenn Fakten genannt werden, die sich überprüfen lassen. Stimmen die Angaben in der Bewertung nicht mit der Wirklichkeit überein, kann man dagegen vorgehen.

Storytelling: as a comic!

Our comic explains very clearly how our product rating service works. At the same time we get enthusiastic feedback again and again. Thank you very much!

Thomas is an online customer. He is searching for a tablet. In the first online shop he finds tablets, but there are no product reviews. He is unsure if the tablet is good. So he exits the shop and goes to an online shop with product ratings and reviews. There he finds the tablet with more than 400 reviews and a total rating of 4.7 stars. He reads some reviews, is enthusiastic and buys.

How does do that?
At all participating shops worldwide collect together, i.e. if 10 shops collect product reviews for the same product 2 each, all together can display 20 reviews for the product.

story of

What's storytelling?
Storytelling is used to give information via a story that should help customers to better understand and remember the information.

Product reviews are more important than the brand

The Trend Radar Studie 2019 by Simon-Kucher & Partners shows that product reviews are now an integral part of online trading. What's more, they are becoming the standard. For 7 out of 10 consumers, product reviews are important or very important. This makes them the third most important criterium for purchasing decisions after product characteristics and price, and thus even more important than the brand. 

One of the most important statements is that particular satisfaction with the product motivates the rating much more than dissatisfaction. Thus, only 2 out of 3 buyers rate the product badly, while 3 out of 4 buyers give a good rating.

An easy way to rate motivates consumers. Obstacles such as an additional login or detailed questions, on the other hand, tend to deter.

Spannend ist auch, dass Käufer sich besser informiert fühlen und der Meinung sind, hochwertigere Produkte zu erhalten. Jeder fünfte Käufer gibt an, aufgrund von guten Produktbewertungen sogar mehr zu kaufen.


The search function is an important part of the shop

(allgemeine Tipps)

An online shop without a search is unthinkable. Many customers use the search function directly instead of just browsing. Therefore it is important to pay special attention to the search function. 

The following aspects are essential for the user-friendliness of the search:

  • Recognizable 
    The magnifying glass symbol is set internationally as a search symbol.
  • Size of the search field 
    At least three long words should fit into it.
  • Placement 
    It is expected that the search field is usually placed at the top and central or to the right.

The following functions support the customer in finding and should be integrated: 

  • auto-suggestions
  • auto-complete
  • synonym linking, also with colloquial terms
  • typo tolerance
  • various filter options

You should also pay special attention to the content that is retrieved. 

  • title 
  • category
  • description

In particular, if the description is searchable, the customer receives more hits that do not necessarily match the search.

An example: 
In the product description of your bathrobe, you will find among others: "The bags are so big, a smartphone fits in." If this description is also searchable, a customer who is looking for a smartphone also receives the bathrobe in his search results.
In this example, either a different product description, the restriction of search terms to categories or the non-searchability of the description remedies the problem.

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Treffen Sie uns und unsere Experten und erfahren Sie mehr darüber wie Produktbewertungen Ihre Kunden im Kaufprozess unterstützen. Wir zeigen Ihnen u.a. Produktrezensionen im Webshop, auf dem Preisschild oder in der App. Außerdem geben wir Tipps wie Sie mehr Produktbewertungen für Ihren Shop erhalten und gehen gern auf individuelle Fragen ein.