Together strong! - more product reviews - more sales

Product reviews are one of the most important decision-making aids during the purchasing process. This has already been proven by countless studies, including a survey by Bitkom, in which two out of three respondents stated that they would obtain opinions before buying. At the same time, four out of ten respondents said that products without customer ratings can even lead to a loss of trust.

Together strong
Für Online-Shops gestaltet es sich jedoch nicht immer leicht, Produktbewertungen zu generieren. Genau hier kommt ins Spiel, denn dank dem Produktbewertungs-Dienst teilen sich Online-Händler ihre Kundenbewertungen. Getreu dem Motto:„Gemeinsam sind wir stark!“
An example: If ten shops collect two product ratings for the same product, all of them can display 20 product ratings. This offers online retailers concrete advantages: For example, customers no longer visit larger shops to read reviews, but stay and buy directly from you. This increases the conversion rate and at the same time the chance that other buyers will leave a product review behind.

Online retailers can integrate the star rating in top sellers, product recommendations, product lists and on the product detail page. The contact to the customer remains in the sovereignty of the shop.